Nostalgic memories of Battersea's local history

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Displaying Memories 111 - 120 of 156 in total

We used to live in Henning Street in Battersea, we were always in Battersea Park and "the jungle" which was a playpark for teenagers with ropes and pulleys, my brothers had great fun in there whilst my friends and I were always in the funfair. I loved the fountains when they went high into the air and if it was windy would get sprayed! Often used to bunk into the Granada by the side door - very naughty! ...see more
My grandparents lived in Falcon Grove, a few houses up from the Auction Room. At the end of the road on the curve with Este Road was Schoolings Bakery, I think. I would love to see an old photo of this, but alas I don't think there is one.
I don't really have much of a memory of Battersea but lived there with my mom and her friend Charlie, who I believe was a big man and very loud and kind. He had three children; Carolin, Marylin but I forget the boy's name. I think we lived in a block of flats. Would love to find them again. My mom's name was Carol and I have a warmth for Battersea and am in the area every now and again.
Born in Henley Street in 1936. Bombed during blitz, moved to Grandparents House in Blondel St:. After the war the council repaired the bomb damage so we moved back to Henley Street. So many memories! - The Super Palace cinema in York Rd; (AKA as the Bug Hutch). Latchmere School, Surrey Lane School -this became William Blake School, my favorite teacher Miss Oliver and Mr Rudd the Headmaster. Playing in the bomb ...see more
I was born in Battersea 1950, son of Mr & Mrs Redpath (Wally & Edith) I had two other brothers Terry & Garry. Fond memories of Battersea Park and of spending many days in and around the park with other kids from Elcho Street; Roger Hockham and Alan Flower. Many times waiting for the buses terminating in our street for the bus driver & conductor to go off for their break, whilst we searched the ...see more
We used to live on East Hill estate, the bottom end number 69 Peter Head House. My mum Bobby, my 2 brothers, graham and Steven, me (Lorraine), and my sister Michelle - we had great fun there playing in the playground at the back of our block. We used to go to the sweet shop on the corner to get our black jacks and fruit salad chews, traffic light lollys; and if we crossed over the road and cut through the other ...see more
I was born in Balham General in 1940 to my parents who lived on Shirly Grove, just off Lavender Hill. I made many trips to the "Granada" in my time. I was just leaving the Granada with my parents one evening about 1943/4 when a "Buzz Bomb" went off just behind some shops near that cinema. We later moved to a new council house on Sheepcote Lane (No longer called Sheepcote Ln.) opposite the British Flag pub on ...see more
Does anyone remember the off lience next to the Winstanley Arms pub in Winstanley Rd please? My nan ran it and I was born there. I can remember a bakers/dairy opposite it. My nan moved there during the war and was there up to about 1960. I went back to see the place and was so disappointed to see it all gone and a huge council estate in its place. What is the old house on the corner of Winstanley Rd. I hope someone can remember for me.
Was wondering if anybody could give me any information about Roydon Street especially the Cooke or Kirby families.
I was born in Dagnall Street but my nan and grandad owned the house and, as most of the children got married, [there were 9 of them] most were allocated a room of their own. I was born there, the number evades me at present, and have photos of me in my pram outside the house. Nan's name was Delcie Gentry. My mum was also Delcie, mine is Dulcie. Many of the extended family also lived along the road also. So pleased that old walls still up to play ball on ha ha .