Nostalgic memories of Battersea's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 131 - 140 of 156 in total

Hi, haven't got much info, but does anyone remember Porkie's flower stall Near the Latchmere pub? He had a son called Stevie and an old lady helped out, her name was Bridget Frost (Biddy).
I lived in 31 Wycliffe Road just down from where the chimney sweep kept his soot. A number of films were shot in the "courts" between the streets Beaufoy Road and Bassnett Road. I moved in 1965 aged 11 not long after the area was razed to the ground to make way for a new much needed housing estate. I went to Wixs Lane School, was a grenadier at the Granada in St Johns Hill. So much freedom is my longest serving ...see more
Hello - year approx. 1945 or earlier. I used to visit my grandmother Maria Reading in the Battersea flats. They would be unlivable now by today's standards. No indoor plumbing, no heat, but they did have gas lights (which one day while visiting I "tweaked" the little pockets, not a good idea). I was pretty much in awe of my Granny. She had long grey hair which she wound around and around, and ...see more
60 Gonsolva Road...I lived here from 1947 until my family had to move out in 1960. Slum clearance they called it. One car in the road. The Batty family, who lived further down the road, went hopping every year. A flat back lorry arrived and they all bundled on top with their gear for their 2 weeks holiday! Us kids played marbles along the gutter, and flicked fag cards at the wall. Whoever knocked the other ...see more
I'm a Battersea boy, born 1938. Two memories I have and would like to know if anyone else can remember are: firstly, at the VE Day celebrations in Winstanley Road, do you remember the runaway horse and cart, probably Leggets the coal merchant's, when a uniformed soldier attempted to stop the horse by leaping onto its neck and grabbing the reins? Unfortunately he lost his grip and the ...see more
My dad was brought up in Battersea, he lived in Roydon Street, just off Battersea High Street. I remember the street well but can find nothing about it on the web or even find a map with it on. It was a weird kind of street, it was split down the middle and where my dad lived was in the middle of the road so to speak, it was a sort of triangle in the middle of the street, the front door to the house was in ...see more
I want to find my childhood friend Charlie Keeble who lived at 1 Dickens Street SW8. He will be 65 or 66 or 67 now. My phone number 0208 679 2746. You were a wonderful friend Charlie and I am so sorry I let you down like I did. Ernie. PS you are in my book and whilst writting it I missed you so much. Take care mate and hope to find you soon
I lived in Auckland Road, Battersea Rise. My late mum was an usherette in the Granada. I used to go every Saturday morning to the cinema. My late dad had a request played on the organ for his birthday, 'The Sabre Dance'. He was so embarrased, bless him.
Most of my mother's family lived in Old Battersea, from cousins to auntie and uncle, to nan and grandad. There were cousins in a 4 poster bed, with their nan and mum. There were my auntie and uncle sleeping in the same room as their 2 children. There was the man of the house who could not walk up the stairs to the bed room to sleep any more so he had to take one of the rooms downstairs. 8 people, 3 genarations, in ...see more
I remember my nan taking me to meet Mrs Hughes the headmistress of John Burns Primary on Wycliffe Road, Battersea, the school is now flats. I also remember being in a school play with the famous actor Tim Spall. We lived at 115 Beaufoy Road until 1969 when we moved onto the York Road estate, a block of flats called Chesterton House on Ingrave Street. I also remember a film being made with the late Oliver Reed, ...see more