Nostalgic memories of Fornethy Residential School's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 21 - 29 of 29 in total

My memory and the memory of my 2 sisters was horrendous, it was like consentration camp. They would force you to eat dinners you did not like and if you didn't eat it you would be made to sit all night on the floor no covers nothing. My mother would send clothing and food parcels and we would never get them. There is a lot more we went through and still have nightmares of what happened. I will write more when ...see more
I was here twice when I was younger..first time I was around 7 second I was younger sister was with me..she was missing mum terribly ..she wet the bed and got made to stand in a corner all night..following morning was cold showers..I got beating from the nurse for talking..cried for hours..most of the children being sent to residentail school was because problems at home..(my mum was in ...see more
Would love to talk more about my experience at this place with you lady’s a little further ... how can we all chat safely ? Remember Saturday night movie night ?
My sister and I were talking about the awful memories of this place which in my own case would have been early 1960s. Hellish! , physical and emotional abuse. Eat the food to the point of vomiting. Nothing to be left on a plate. Don’t dare talk. Slapping by certain staff members. Humiliation, I was there on 3 occasions. Supposed to be a holiday. Head teacher by the name of miss Bremner. ...see more
hated Fornethy residential school.The women told us it was haunted and when we were put to bed they pulled the covers over our heads and were told to stay that way until morning . I could not sleep as the wee ones were always crying for their parents . When we were going for our showers we had to all go down this great winding staircase practically naked in front of men etc . We had to ...see more
I was there late 60's and it was terrible cried every night and hated it,during the night I used to think there was a man in a big black cape going on all the beds one by one like Dracula and wasn't till I was an adult thast I thought maybe it was some kind of sexual assault on innocent kids x
I went to forneathy in the eighties I remember light out at night not been able to chat I remember getting caught talking they put me in the library to face fire place which they told us that the two ladie that Owen the house had died and were buried in the fire place . Also during meals you weren't allowed to talk I did one day I remember we had visitors after visitors left I was lifted up agains a ...see more
I had the worst experience in my life there ... it was to me like a concentration camp ... they took our candy from us that our parents sent to us ... we couldn't go to the bathroom after a certain time at night ... I had the worst runs one night I and I was caught in the halls of the school - they told me to stand with my face to the wall for it seemed hours in the dark by myself... I must have been ...see more
I was there in October 1982 just wondering what happened to the place and if anyone else is sharing their memories of this place