Nostalgic memories of Hornsey's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 46 in total

I attended Campsbourne Junior School between 1958 and 1961. I arrived during the 2nd Year at the age of 8, having moved from St Michael's School in Highgate. I was placed in the top stream and my class teachers were Mrs Atkins (2nd yr) and Mr Aston (3rd and 4th Yr). Among my classmates during this period were my best friends Raymond Souster and Christopher Mears. Also there were Alan ...see more
1890's to 1920s Alfred Baker & his family lived in The Grove, which became Lynton road and was few roads away from this photo's location. He worked as a groundsman at Crouch Hill Playing Fields, at first to look after the cricket pitch & fields, then later the Tennis Club. He had 9 daughters who all were big tennis fans & one of them, Mrs Bessie Burgiss competed in the Evening Standard ...see more
I know this site is about Blythe Mansions, but my Nan lived at 26 Duncombe Road. This all come about by me watching a tv programme and an eastenders actor who played Minty said he came from Horsey Rise, so I started to research it further and come across this site. My Nan & Grandad was Nell & Wally Carey. It would be great if anybody remembered them. 26 was like a mad house with everyone coming and going ...see more
I was born in 1965 in Highgate and brought up by a Mr & Mrs Evans (Bert & Yvonne) at 3 Church Lane, Hornsey...the house back then was a boarding house for gentlemen only! Mrs Evans worked for Wilson’s Dept store in Crouch End for many years and Mr Evans later worked at Hornsey police station a few yards from our house, I attended Rokesley infants and juniors school & later to Stationers boy’s school, I ...see more
I was born in Muswell Hill Cottage Hospital in 1957. We lived at the off licence in Tottenham lane opposite the police station....Victoria wine. I went to Rolkesly Infant and Junior and had best friend Robert in the infant school (1961?) We left for Essex in 1965 Grandparents had off licence in Stroud green Teacher Mr Law at Rolkesly Loved those early years with many Tottenham Lane parades and ‘ban ...see more
Danbury's butchers, any relation to Billy/Tony? Remember going to Empire Ave. Enfield
I lived at31middle lane from1957-1973, opposite Firkins green grocers and merediths sweetshop . I went to rokesley infants , crouch end juniors and seniors , later priory vale . Joined 66 cobs in park road also remember bike shop owned by .Cyril Ashwell , Karoma cafe(?)in park road . Also think there was a piano builders in either Linton road or the grove . Worked for a time at The Taw in hornsey high street . Don ester
my late uncle mr martin harris left me his magazine about a trip the boys went onto. The boys names are..... form IV R ISSARTEL, K, GREENLAND, L TIMMS, A, BROWN, B, GOWER, J, CLIFFE, N, JONES, BUXTON, BURROUGH, HALL, HARRIS, KIRK, MADDAMS, MARSHALL, MANN, PINGREE, STURT, THORNHILL. STAFF, MR H,M COLYER AND MR A, THOMSPON.
I was 17 years old and lived at no 7 Tivoli Road, and when Father Christmas arrived at the front door with 4 cwt of coal my mum put newspaper down the hall and throughout the house so that the coal man could dump the coal in the shed. So Christmas Day we all sat around the fire to keep warm - and cold at our backs. We cooked chestnuts on a shovel and played cards, and my dad played the piano and we all sang carols. ...see more
my name is George Bryant I went to North haringay boys school from 1958 - the beginning I was the only black boy in first it was pretty rough called all kind of names people lifting up my blazer to ask me where my tail was and so first friends was a boy name last name Haggar another his last name was Benson I just can't remember their first name and a boy from Cyprus name costakis theordore.I learned a lot made a lot of friends wish I could find some of them now.