Nostalgic memories of Mitcham's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 61 - 70 of 155 in total

As a child I remember visiting my grandmother in Western Road (Florence Allaway) nee Smith; she always made the most wonderful bread pudding. She brought up several children on her own after her marriage breakup, all credit to her .My father was Dougie Allaway, brothers Bert and Raymond, and sisters; Margeret, Jean and Ellen. Does anybody remember this family or any of the Smiths related to my grandmother. Would be ...see more
The Abc; I was a monitor had to keep the kids in check - ahh yes, so many memories. The flats seen at the back, I used to live at No.39 Penfolfd Court (4th floor), and I loved roaming Mitcham. It was always a mystery; the trolley buses, the fish n' chip shop where Huttons used to have live eels in the big sink at the back of the shop ready for the discerning customer and the teddy boys hanging round on the corner. ...see more
I was prompted to contribute after seeing names I remember from the past. I went to Bond Road school then Western Road. I left at Christmas in 1958. I've seen letters from James Bonser who was in my class. Someone called Lacey asking about his family - I was good friends with Barry Lacey. I would like to hear from any old mates like Robin Theobold and Brian Nightingale who I believe still live locally. Some ...see more
I love Mitcham...born St Helier 3rd Jan 1970, lived in Streatham Road moved to Graham Ave, Mitcham till 1977 ... then moved into the Red Flats, Fountain House when they were first built. There was Mitcham swimming baths (smelt like old socks) with metal gate style railings above the baths.. There was only one road in and out of Mitcham. When I lived at Fountain House, from my balcony there was gypsies ...see more
During most of the Second World War I lived in Meopham Road, Mitcham. Before the war I had attended the Primary and Infants School at Grove Road, Lonesome. I have so far managed to trace only one person who might have been at those schools in the 1940s. Do the names Norman, Nicoli, Hook, Ling mean anything to anyone out there? They all lived in the Meopham Road flats and I wonder where they are now. Douglas Tunbridge
Can anyone remember the name of the Pet Shop at Mitcham Fair Green, near Drewetts the Funeral Directors. Some friends have said it was the Rag Tag and Bobtail, but I'm sure it was called something else before that.
I think it was Colin who remembered that the 118 bus went from Clapham Common to the Cricketers. Well, Colin (or whoever it was), it went all the way to Raynes Park. I lived in Meopham Road, Mitcham, the upper part of which ran alongside the grounds of the South London Crematorium and cemetery. We always caught the 118 outside the florist shop at the top of the road and on various occasions, I have travelled both to Clapham Common and to Raynes Park. Douglas F. Tunbridge (Revd.)
I used to live at 27 Middlesex Road, in the prefabs - moved to Canada in 1970. Thinking back - went to school at Alfred Mizens (1956...) and Pollards Secondary (1960/1965) and enroute would buy sweets at Ted's Tuckshop which was an old blue van/lorry. The back end would flap down, kids would walk up the ramp to the counter and buy what they needed. Does anyone remember the van/lorry ...see more
My nan and grandad owned Davidson's greengrocer's in Mitcham, and my mum and dad lived there with them in the 50's early 60's before moving to Cornwall, and I have very fond but distant memories of holiday's and Christmas's there as a child in the late 60's/early 70's. Unfortunately, I'm not sure of the address, but would love to know if anyone else could tell me? Was it London Road? The shops with the ...see more
I have lived in Australia for 42 years now, But I started my married life in Mitcham, Our first home was in Glebe Court and my inlaws lived a floor above us. I loved the area around the Fair Green, I worked part time in Huttons Fish shop for 4 years also as an usherette at the Majestic Cinema. I remember all the shops mentioned in the above, also Jim Peters the optometrist, I still have the spectacle case I got my ...see more