Hough Green

A Memory of Widnes.

This is just as I remember it when I used to go to Hough Green station (the entrance is on the extreme left of the photo) train-spotting. All steam in those days of course. The scene is very little changed today except for the cars and the lack of a petrol station. Ditchfield Road, on the extreme right of the picture, was a quiet leafy lane then, leading down towards St Michaels and the new housing estates of Coronation Drive and Philip Road. Indeed all the street names had a Coronation theme, it being newly built in 1953.

Added 08 December 2011


Comments & Feedback

I remember this area well as I grew up there. I always liked Liverpool Road and Ditchfield Road because of the trees and nice houses. I remember attempting to walk to Liverpool with my brothers when I was about 6 years old. At that time there was no Upton Estate it was all fields. I also remember going trainspotting with my brother. We used to stand at the side of the track and watch the steam trains. No health and safety in those days!!

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