Annunciation,St.Thomas's And St.James

A Memory of Burnt Oak.

I went to all three of these schools and left st.james about 1952.I read the comment from Hilary Leopold and remember her,we were in the same class at one time.I remember Irene Butler,Maureen Sexton Joan Whte and Kathleen Oates.Kathleen and I e-mail each other,she found my name on an irish site when I was doing my family history.In my church magazine on Sunday there was a note stating St.James reunion 13th July,I thought of going but if there was any people there from my time would we know each other,there wont be any teachers that we knew,they have all passed away.My son is a bricklayer and built houses on the old site of St.James,Orange Hill Rd.Everyone that went to that school remembers Sr.Katherine, but I also remember a lot on teachers with some fond memories,my very favourites were Sr.Gregory and Sr.Bertranda.TeresaO'Sullivan.

Added 26 June 2014


Comments & Feedback

I remember teresa keech very well and was friends with all the names she mentioned. It was lovely to be remembered after all these years. I was joan white but now bayliss.

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