Greenford 1954 1974

A Memory of Greenford.

I lived in Locarno Road from 1954-1974. I remember clearly going to Saturday morning pictures at the Granada (later known as Tescos) and getting an ice cream from Creamery Fare afterwards. We used to go to Greenford community centre on a Friday evening to the disco. Ravenor Park was a favourite meeting place for friends. Toni's coffee bar seemed such a grown up place to go. I think I only ever had milkshakes. I used to hate the smell of the fish stall in the market. My mum used to buy my dad kippers and smoked haddock. Woolworths! The loose biscuits and anything else you needed. I remember Sainsbury's with long counters each side and a very decorative floor, swimming at Northolt pool, and getting the 92 bus to Greenford station and then the tube to Northolt. Fun days. My dad never approved of us hanging around the Wimpy bar (I wonder why.

Added 30 December 2009


Comments & Feedback

Hi, I knew the Orrow family who lived at the top end of Locarno, also the Euden family who lived right at the bottom end. I lived in Oldfield lane and practically lived in Ravnor park as a kid. Went to Bethams and then Brentside. Woolworths was so cool cos it had a baxck door with three little steps down into the carpark. such great memeories sue
If, on Sunday afternoons in the 1950s, you bought ice cream from the window counter you would have been served by my mum Ellen Lees who worked for quite few years there. The Creamery Fare ice cream was very good and was supplied to some of the best hotels in London one of which was The Ritz.
Happy happy days ! My cousin Sue and I were granadiers -complete with green badges ! went every saturday and finished the morning off at creamery fayre .
We both went to stanhope primary and she lived next door to the police station and I lived down the road in ravenor park road we also went every sunday to the Byron Hotel where our dads used to race their go-Karts
I don't know if anyone can help. I joined Middx fire brigade in 1963. My first large fire was at an hotel in Greenford, it was nearly my first and last due to a flash over. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the hotel, I would love to read an account of it.

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