Growing Up In Harold Hill

A Memory of Harold Hill.

I Lived in Broseley Road and was a bit of a tomboy. My best friend was Jimmy Reynolds who went to Harrowfields, which made me a bit of a traitor as I was a Quarles Schoolgirl. My best girlfriend was Vivienne Davis who went on to have many problems after getting pregnant at 16, very rare in those days. My first kiss was with Patrick Knowles, every man I went out with in adulthood had to match up to that!!! Big task.
I remember going to a party at my friend Dianne Forsen's house, her sister Sue was engaged to Mike Smith from the Dave Clarke 5!

I won a Daily Mirror Scholarship to go to St Martins School of Arts, but my parents could not afford the necessary equipment, one of the saddest memories of my schooldays.

I rmember knocking Clive Wilkinsons teeth out with a cricket ball (I did not throw like a girl) and he had to have a gold tooth. It was not the days of bling!

Added 19 September 2015


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