Jurys Gap East Sussex

A Memory of Jury's Gap.

I lived at Camber Sands from 1950-1958 and then Rye. Jury's Gap is a little past Camber and the name comes from 'Jews' Gate' - probably because the area seems to have been used by Jewish merchants of Rye and Winchelsea, either because they were forbidden to use better landing facilities or because they were avoiding import duties. At the end of the 13th century, England became the first post-Roman Empire country to expel the Jews. It seems that New Winchelsea and maybe Rye ignored the order, but eventually had to comply. The Jews' Market in New Winchelsea was founded after the destruction of Old Winchelsea, and I attach a photograph of its stone gate. The King had ordered the Jews expelled, but that no physical harm should befall them. Many Jews were forced on to a boat at Jury's Gap and then landed on a sandbank far offshore where they drowned when the tide rose. No doubt (as happened elsewhere) their murderers mocked them to call on Moses to part the waters to save them. I attach a photo of Jury's Gap facing out to sea.

Added 14 April 2012


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