Nostalgic memories of Mitcham's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 101 - 110 of 155 in total

I took part in the Mitcham May Queen Festival for years while I lived in Mitcham, and even after we moved to Streatham, I was still allowed to take part. It was fun, I put on a nice dress and paraded around Mitcham carrying paper flowers, there was even a carnival as well, complete with a fun fair which I always enjoyed. There was even Maypole dancing which I always enjoyed watching. One year we even went to visit ...see more
I was born in Recreation Close - a tiny 1 bedroom maisonette at the bottom of Wide Way. My Grandparents lived in Greenwood Road just around the corner. In June 1944, during the Second World War, a doodle bug exploded on the shelter killing my grandmother, and I think, 6 other people in the road. Their names are recorded in a book of rememberance in Westminster Abbey which I visited recently. Anyway, in 1946 my ...see more
I have just found this page and what memories it rekindles. I was a minor at the ABC, I even got a road safety prize from Coco the Clown. Thorpes record shop accross the road, there I bought my very first record, 'Runaway' by Del Shannon. Hutton's Fish shop, always had to bring a piece of previous day cold skate home for my gran. I went to Lonesome Infants School in 1950 and then ...see more
I was born in the nursing home in Colliers Wood, the home was called Woodlands. My mother and father moved to Glebe Court Mitcham when i was six years old and I lived there untill I got married. I too remember going to the pictures in Mitcham and feeding the ducks at Three Kings Pond. I also remember the cockle and whelk stall which stood on the Fair ...see more
My earliest memory of Mitcham was when the fair came to Mitcham Common. The noise, shouting, music and smells were so exciting to a nine year old. The whole world seemed to be happy then...we had a new Queen on the throne, Elizabeth the second, and although our playgrounds were the bomb sites left over from the German bombing raids, we seemed to be filled with thoughts of the future and what it held ...see more
I have lived in Mitcham all my life. I was born at St Helier Hospital in 1955 and we lived in the nissan huts opposite what was then Pollards Hill High School in Wide Way, we lived next to a family called the Butlers and I went to school first at Alfred Mizen, then to Pollards Hill. I remember visiting my nan in Sunshine Way off Bond Road and we used walk down from the common at Commonside East through the path ...see more
Unfortunately, I couldn't view the printing on the Mitcham page as it was obscured by little green figures, but I do know someone has asked if anyone remembers Thorpe's Music Bar. I do. I used to work there Wednesday evenings and Saturdays for a couple of years. Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe were very kind to me, took me to the theatre on occasion (once at the London Palladium)! Mrs. Thorpe insisted we wear white coats to work in ...see more
Fashion Model Jackie Bowyer was a resident of Mitcham in the late 1950s . Any information concerning her would be appreciated . Derek Collins .
I used to go to Saturday morning pictures here in 1959/60. We had only just returned from Australia and this was new to me. I remember going with my cousin & friends - most were quite noisy but I was one of the quieter ones. What ever happened to the Lone Ranger? It seems like yesterday - pity the body doesn't agree!
I lived at The Bull 1959-1963 it was a family pub with many local characters among it's customers. Looking at the photos of Mitcham bought back memories, although I didn't reconnise some places straight away, I did the cinema, remember going to see Cliff in Summer Holiday also Psycho and Pit and the Pendulum there. The other thing I recall is the big Fair in August. Does that still come?