Mobbely Boys School

A Memory of Mobberley.

I was in Mobberly Boys school in 1977 it was a nasty place for a young kid and vey scary. The only thing I did was run away. There was good pionts though, as a young kid from Ordsall, Salford I got to see the countryside wot I'd never see till then. I think I remember a member of staff was an Irishman called Mr Hicky. He was the ony one I got on with, but still they are good memories - doing a bunk round the back of the Frozen Mop pub and over the fields, lol.

Added 28 September 2012


Comments & Feedback

Was there 73ish to 75 Curtis house .Mr thomas head of house great bloke .Not much to say of the others .Was always absconding .How i miss those long walks back to manchester .Seems like yesterday !
I was one of the first girls to go to Mobberley. I didn't last long there .But loved the swimming pool.
Oh yeah also remember the bats,flapjack and the room that they locked you in.
was there from 78/79.hated the place was in Russell house which if I remember was also nicknamed borstal house because it was run by sadistic mr adolf link and his vile wife eva link.also remember a brilliant house master called mr burke who didn't live on site but came in as a relief.drove a vintage rover and always wore a cravat.brilliant man and very,very and mrs hickey were great in there own way but decided to move on not long after my arrival.was sent an idiot called mr McNamara who's wife cudn't boil an egg but we still had to eat her lumpy porridge!i can remember you Adrian I can also remember bob timms who thought he was elvis(big prick really).George Oldham,razza,ste molloy(only other scouser in our unit),bob hughes,wayne murray,chris boyd,john townsend,andrew bellech(think he was gay)rob Cavanagh,ian Armstrong,a lad who,s nickname was skids coz his bills were always full of em!really don't remember you abscondin all the time,in fact can,t remember you abscondin at all to be honest.wot remember the most tho was when a lad called ste proctor found out that at the end of a home visit he was told he was never to come bak to the house once he left and rather than return to borstal house indefinetly he promptly hung himself.i think it wasa scouser called Stephen Bristow who represented Russell house at his time at mobberley was not good at all and this is the first time in 38yrs av mentioned it to any1.not a very nice place at all and am so glad it was demolished.pity they cudn,t have left most of the staff and the so called big boys who were always pickin on the weak and grovelling to the staff inside when they pulled it down!glad its gone.
I was in Curtis house from 74-77 it was a nightmare the main relief wet home visit and some weekends our housemaster mr Thomas used to take us to watch Wrexham in his old jag I shared a room with Alan lord for a while he later became the ringleader in the strange ways riots I stayed out of trouble after leaving there I remember so of the lads mainly the bullies Kev Kanara mark tonlinson got a few beatings from then
I was there 1974 to 1976 I was in shafsbury house green my number was 102 and my name was John Clayton from sale Moore we use to run off on the weekends we didn't go home and get to Wigan casino alnighter northern soul which I'm still into and still go out today i was 14 when I went there 16 when I left loved it if anyone wants to get in touch here's our number 07871823765 or on Facebook our name Samantha John Clayton. Cheers John and Sam.
My name is Anthony Moore FROM ST Helens Merseyside I was in there in the 70s I was in Curtis house unit 5 , get in touch if you remember me.
I remember Mr Thomas I was on unit 5 with Mike Crawford Trevor hands he and another lad called vinney where bullies, Mr Marshall was sound I'm from ST Helens Merseyside my name is Tony Moore.
iam graham terry i was in that hell hole mobberley boys home i ran away to escape the place it was 1979 when i was there wheres john parrott these days or any one who remembers me
I remember John Parrot
I was in Shaftesbury House David Comer 77-78
Anyone heard of David Enuce ?
When did girls go to mobberly ?

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