My Home Town

A Memory of Thornaby-on-Tees.

I was born in 1972 and moved to Thornaby in 1973 where I spent my life until the age of 24. People used to tease me that I was brought up in Thornaby and I was nicknamed 'the roughian'.  People would say don't get on the wrong side of her (meaning me!) as I would punch their lights out! The more I defended the town, the more I was ribbed.  So Thornaby has a reputation which I am not sure how it came about.  I was brought up in Balmoral Avenue which is still a lovely road with 'nice' people living there. I went to Harewood Infants, Westbury Juniors and The Dene (as was) and I regard myself as having a 'decent' upbringing.  I don't swear necessarily, I drink in moderation, I don't beat anyone up and I haven't been to jail....yet!!!! So I was wondering if anyone out there could tell me when in fact the quiet little place in Teesside became known as a rough diamond? A X

Added 13 February 2007


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The fact is that severe household poverty ruled throughout Britain. and every major town and city had its rough-edges and bad reputation with thousands of unemployed citizens. Housing was primitive, overcrowded and run-down. In the background you had far too many public houses creating local problems with drunkenness, rowdy behaviour and men drinking their wages each week in these bars. The Jockey Club and Racing Press caused great problems by encouraging men to gamble on an horses speed and probability of winning a race knowing full well that the odds offered by book makers were mercenary, obscene and bad value, and summing up there is nothing worse than a population whose broke, living in poor conditions, and allowed to drink and gamble freely. Millions of men were dismissed for creating problems at work, and thousands charged with being disorderly, breach the peace, and being fighting drunk. And this problem was rife across the land. In the Teesside area you had Britain's number 1 deprived town Middlesbrough, with Cannon Street, South Bank and Thornaby being dark-mirrors of the conditions found there. Across the land you have known black spots such as South London, the Gorbals Glasgow, Hull, Sheffield and Liverpool. Education and TV, did wonders to make people alter for the best.

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