Nostalgic memories of Peckham's local history

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Displaying Memories 51 - 60 of 63 in total

Some time soon after the Second World War, with our next door neighbours, we walked down to Queen's Road to watch the King and Queen drive by. We stood near Evan Cook's Depository. I assume that their Majesties visited a lot of London's suburbs at this time, in order to cheer people up after the war. Ken Cook
My mum was born in Queen Road in Peckham in the 1930s, her maiden name was Francis, her mum was May and her dad was Daniel, he was a painter and decorator, he used to paint all the pubs in London and down to Kent.
I knew Queens Road, Peckham from around 1932 as a child - my grandmother lived there and my parents and all the aunts and uncles nearby as families did the., Peckham then was rather like a village, everyone knew each other.
I remember Jones and Higgings very well. I attended Peckham Girls School, and used to walk through Jones and hHiggings to get to Peckham bus garage, this would have been from from 1976 to 1981. It's not there any more. Does anyone remember Debbie O'Brian, Gillian Hassan, Shirla Boyce, Julie Ginnaw, Zahidia Rashid, Jackie Jackman, Sharon Powley? A maths teacher named Mr Stephen Belk? Those were the days. Peckham has changed a lot now. June Gordon, age 45.
I lived in the mansions from 1951-1960. Does anyone remember them? I went to Leo Street School. And I went to the Regal cinema every Sunday afternoon in the Old Kent Road.
My friends and I loved Rye Lane, it had more shoe shops than Oxford Street. On Saturdays we would meet in Manzes Pie and Mash in Peckham Hill Street, then make our way up one side of Rye Lane, shopping if we could afford to, window shopping if not. We would navigate all through the arcade, and carry on to Choumert Road market, there used to be a lovely pub at the top, where my sister was engaged to a fellow called Mickey ...see more
I am doing research for the family book on our Viney Line. The Vineys all lived in Peckham and I am know looking for there descendent's. My Line Josiah Viney did an indenture in the printing business for Edmund William Mason Carey in 1877. His father Robert Viney was a grocer and had 3 men working for him and they lived at 102 high st camberwell surrey. Robert married Elizabeth Finncane(finucom)Watson of ...see more
Hi, I worked on bomb damage for Bishop & Clarke (a firm of builders from Horley), the foreman's name was Mr Collins. In the August of 1945 I was teaboy and builders' labourer, it was my first job after leaving school in Horley, Surrey. One street we cleared was Commercial Road, I remember a cafe just round the corner, I think called 'Janes', I know one day there were whale steaks with onions on the ...see more
In the picture with Jones & Higgins, on the right, that is my nan and mum pushing the pram, with me in the pram. We lived in Walworth but they always walked there to do shopping and to see my dad who worked in his mum's shop in Choumert Road.
I am trying to put together something special for a dear but frail old friend of mine and have been tracing the name of old employees at his workplace Evan Cooks around 1952 - in particular at their garage which was 72 Queens Road, Peckham SE London. One name eludes me, I understand he may have been the manager and was named 'Jack'. I'm told he lived in Morden but cannot find his surname. If any of ...see more