Nostalgic memories of Sale's local history

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Displaying Memories 21 - 30 of 35 in total

More of my golden memories from 1958/1959. Going dancing at the Locarno Ballroom with all the great music from that time ( Buddy Holly, Billy Fury, Marty Wilde, Cliff Richard and all the other greats and watching my girlfriend Joan win a Jive/Routine contest dancing to Buddy Holly's " Rave On", and going to the pictures at the Odeon. Precious Days, Precious Times.
I have clear and wonderful memories of 1958 and 1959 cycling down School Road and then Ashton Lane to my girlfriend Joan's house on Totnes Road. I remeber too, taking her into Woolworths to buy a hoop for her skirt which was very stylish then. I have thousands of wonderful and warm memories of those glorious years. A quieter, calmer, simpler time. How I miss those years. Although it's changed a bit since then, I can't wait to walk down School Road and Ashton lane again on my next visit.
I used to work in the TSB down School Road in 1965/1966. I walked up from Glebelands Road swinging my wicker basket. Sometimes I got a lift off the milkman, it took me longer but he was very nice. I spent my time watching them build Boots and the new precinct.
During the Second World War my mother lived in a flat opposite the Town Hall, above Partington's. She had been suffering with a very bad cold and had been recommended a cure that involved consuming rather more alcohol than she was accustomed to. Apparently she used to look out of the window each morning at the Town Hall clock, to check the time. The morning after the night before, she ...see more
Me and my sister Jane were adopted due to neglect and abuse, then lived on Urmston Lane,sadly the abuse continued. However I enjoyed my time at Lostock Secondary Modern and also Stretford Cricket Club. My mates Paul Atherton, Stuart Fish and Paul Newton and his gorgeous sister Zoe Newton. We lived on the corner of Umrston Lane and Manor Road opposite Sandy Lane. I hardly recognise the old place now. I also ...see more
I was 8 in 1950 and often walked from my house in Brindley Avenue near Dane Road Station to School Road. On the way I would pass the bombed out wereckage of St. Paul's church at the corner of Waverley, and Dargle. I didn't understand Latin writing then and always called it Saint Pavis's because of the latin 'V' for our 'U'. It was a great place to play in there as well. It is now a block of flats I think.
I am uncertain about the precise date. During the bombing of Trafford Park a stray bomber, probably with a stick of bombs stuck in the bomb doors, released a stick accross School Road up to the Town Hall. The bomb rack wrecked the front wheel of my fathers bike as he was riding it ! The Wardens did attack the fire relatively successfully. My father was the Deputy Chief Warden of Sale at the time. My aunt, who drove ...see more
I also remember the town hall fire during the blitz. At that time the fire station was just behind the town hall and I understand that all the fire engines were deployed elsewhere during the night of the bombing. The story that circulated was that a team of air raid wardens with a stirrup pump were sent to put out the fire. I don't think they would have had much success. It sounds like an episode from Dad's Army. Audrey Frost
I have happy memories of dancing at Sale town hall to Bert Clegg's band.  I wonder if any other surfers remember those evenings.
I remember Saturday morning matinées there in the 60s, brilliant time spent! Sneaking in sometimes when the cleaner forgot to lock the side exits! Fantastic.