Nostalgic memories of St Blazey's local history

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 21 in total

I have a print of this view in my study. My grandparents lived in the second cottage up from the church and my father was born there in 1902. My grandmother died in 1939 and my grandfather, who served in the Boer Wars and the First World War continued to live there until his death in 1946. The cottages were 2up/2down and I suspect that the toilet arrangements were "bucket and chuck it". Duke ...see more
Can anyone remember Arthur Lord as the publican at the The Market Inn? Also in the Fore Street shops just up from the Market Inn there was Mrs Boynes, Florist, and a Gas Shop which was run by Mr Frank Nettles. These memories were from the 1940s. I was born in No 31 Fore Street next door to the Cox Family. My childhood friends were Derek Cox, Desmond Howells, Terry McLellan, Cecil Sandy, Brian Haberland, Gerald Winterbottom and Dilwyn Sweet. Of course we were friends with some girls as well!.
I was born 1941. My mum was Pearl Renowden, daughter of John Renowden my grandad, Auntie Elsie, Uncle Leslie, & my brother David. We lived at 132 Landreath Place, St Blazey. Uncle Tom & Auntie Hilda lived at the top of our road. I have very happy memories of St Blazey, going to the farm to collect a jug of milk for Grandad, going to the all girls' school, my friend Sheila Barret who I have lost touch with. I left Landreath in 1952. Mum married a Charles Gilbert so we lived at Stenalees.
I have found from doing family history that my great grandfather George James Andrews died at the Cornish Arms Hotel on 25 Dec 1919. If anyone has any info about the hotel at that time I would love to see it ,or hear from any relatives of the Andrews family.
Granddad helped to build Landreath Place, mum and her family moved into number 55, where both grandparents lived till they died. Also there was other family living in this street, my great grandfather John Renowden, my great Aunt Elsie Renowden, great Uncle Les great Aunty Gladys, great uncle Sid Bishop. all sadly passed away.Landreath today looks almost the same except the speed humps, miss the little sweet shop, ...see more
I was christened at St Blazey Church, 24/12/1955, I was 2 months old, my mum is Patricia Nee Renowden, we were visiting my grandparents Hilda and Tom Renowden, after they had me christened, they filled the bottom of my pram with drink from the Cornish Arms next door to the Church,
Tha Palace Cinema in St Blazey was one of the longest operating cinemas in England. I worked there as the usherette during the middle to late 60s (I believe it is now closed). We had films three times a week and bingo twice a week - there was a Saturday morning children's cartoon show. I did everything from selling tickets to urshering and during the interval selling chocolates, drinks and ice cream. I have always ...see more
My father was one of the local butchers, Jack Grigg. He and my mother ran the shop opposite the church.  My grandfather was John Charles Grigg who lived at a house called Mount View at the bottom of Rose Hill. When my father was born he was living at no. 9 Station Road. My greatgrandfather, Charles Rogers Grigg lived at Canal Cottages between the canal and Bailey's corn store. My great-great ...see more
I will continue with some information on the businesses in St Blazey around 1950. Station Road, starting with no. 1. Grigg's the butchers, the house where I was born and the shop run by Jack Grigg. The next business, no.3 Station Road was the fish and chip shop run by Everett Turner and his wife. I remember the coal fired range and the white tiled top tables for the sit down meals. The next business, no.13, ...see more
As a native of St Blazey, I would like to write about the businesses there at the time. The first shop on the church side " The International Stores", a fine shop managed by Mr Vincent, who also owned the newsagents in Station Road. Next to "Star" (the name used by locals for the International, because it was originally the Star Tea Company) was Barlow's cycle shop. Next the shop of the Best brothers, plumbers, ...see more