Nostalgic memories of Stanwell's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

Why not add your memory today and become part of our Memories Community to help others in the future delve back into their past.

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Displaying Memories 21 - 24 of 24 in total

I was born in Stanwell in 1959, my parents bought a new house off Oaks road called Lindsay Close. Many hours were spent in the lovely park where we played tennis and crazy golf. My sister and I belonged to Woodcraft which was held in the village hall, we also did ballet lessons there. It was a really pretty village and I just loved the old shops and houses around the village green.
My mother was born in Stanwell Oaks Road in 1928 where the airport is now, her family were moved to Viola Avenue when Heathrow expanded where she shared many memories of the war and going to Staines Town Hall for dances and working for Dunns shoe shop in Staines. I was born in 1957 and went to St Mary's Church school (now flats) and then to Lord Knynett's. Stanwell really was a village, I remember ...see more
I moved to Stanwell with my parents in 1959 aged 4. When I was 11 I learnt to ride at Stanwell's pony club run by a lady called Geraldine Richardson who used to keep her ponies at the stables at the Vicarage (now pulled down). We made friends with Amanda Hoyle the vicar's daughter who got us all into trouble by ringing the church bells when we should not have been in the church! Charlie ...see more
I am a Stanwellian but I have lived in Sussex for 40 years. My memories of the village are the large mansion in Oaks Road almost opposite the entrance to the recreation park, now sadly owned by the airport! I was born at 1 Hymans Cottage, Oaks Road, long since pulled down. There was a large mansion as you go oout of the village towards the moor, right on the bend, it was called Stanwell Place, we kids back then ...see more