Nostalgic memories of Thornton Heath's local history

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Displaying Memories 31 - 38 of 38 in total

I can remember the old St Andrews in Brook Road, which was demolished and the new church built in its place. Wonderful old building, tiny spiral stairs to the balcony level, beautiful. Shame I have no pictures.
In the early 60s I went to a works in Thornton Heath where they made willow baskets. There were huge vats of water for soaking large bundles of stripped willow to make them supple prior to being woven into things like shopping trolley baskets, or hand baskets. I don't think there was any mechanisation at all. I'd be interested to know where this was and who ran it. Possibly a relative of mine? I have a vague idea it was north of the centre of TH.
My memories of Thornton Heath are not as a local resident, but as the girlfriend of someone who lived in the area and with whom I went out for 6 years from the age of 15 to 21, eventually becoming engaged when I was 19. His name was Martin Clarke (Mart), and he lived with his parents and brother Stuart in the top flat of the block next to Woolworths, facing the Clock Tower. As teenagers ...see more
There was music shop on the Thornton Road in the mid 1950s, run by a Ada Lilian Rose who lived there with her three children. It's a bit of a long shot but I'm actually trying to trace someone called William or Bill Black who was a trombone player in The Billy Cotton band, who we think lived in the area and visited the shop around this time. I also know that he worked as a motor mechanic, poissibly ...see more
Does anybody remember a girl called Iggy nicknamed 'the Eskimo' who lived with her parents in Thornton Heath in the Fifties/ early Sixties? She was born in 1944 or 45 and was, in the mid Sixties, a photo model, actress, dancer and genuine party animal. She is most famous for her short relationship with Pink Floyd founder Syd Barrett but left the underground Swingin’ London scene in 1970. ...see more
My friend Roy Greenfield's parents ran the Simla, which was a Charrington's pub.
My family moved back to Thornton Heath, to 35 Gilsland Road, just off the High Street, at the end of the war and stayed until 1951. United Dairies was the shop on one corner and next to that a sweetshop and tobacconists and then on to the Co-op which extended round the corner of Nursery Road. On the other corner was Pearks from where sadly my little brother had his brand new Gresham Flyer 3-wheeler ...see more
I can still remember the sound of the horse's "clipperty-clopp" as we went home in the hansom carriage after arriving at Thornton Heath station - I must have been about eight years old at the time - I always looked forward to our ride home.