Nostalgic memories of Widnes's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 31 - 40 of 47 in total

Just to point out this photo is Quarry Court/Liverpool Road, near Royal Ave. Does anyone remember the old grave stone? It was moved to St Michs at the top of Ditchfield Road.
Living in Princes Street, Widnes - loved that era in my life.
I was born in Princes Street in 1959 and lived there till 1978 when it was demolished. I grew up in Widnes and miss it terribly, I went to St Maries then Kingsway School.
I think it would be about 1951 when we moved to Reay Street, which runs parallel to Fir Street. I had just started at Wade Deacon Grammar School and had quite a long walk up all the avenues called after trees, through Victoria Park, and then to school! A good 30 minutes each way....and I went home for lunch, because (as the girl) had to get lunch for my brother, until he left school and went to work for ...see more
I used to get dragged here for swimming lessons once a week when I was at Wade Deacon. Mr Learmouth (I think) the P.E. master always used to call me "Price" for some unknown reason, anyway I never learned to swim!
This is the new flats in Thirlmere Way, the top end near Royal Avenue, and you can see the Labour Club too on the left of the flats. The GUS ( Great Universal Stores) offices was built on the field as well but I don't remember the date. I can remember more of the GUS being built because the dumper trucks moving earth from the building site used to go up and down Philip Road where I lived. I think they where using the ...see more
This is just as I remember it when I used to go to Hough Green station (the entrance is on the extreme left of the photo) train-spotting. All steam in those days of course. The scene is very little changed today except for the cars and the lack of a petrol station. Ditchfield Road, on the extreme right of the picture, was a quiet leafy lane then, leading down towards St Michaels and the new housing estates of Coronation ...see more
I was born at 9 Frederick Street, in 1941, and my earliest memory is of flags, streamers and buntings strung across the street every time a soldier came home 'from the war'. I don't know why, but the Union Jack flag absolutely terrified me, and still does....I will walk blocks to avoid one flying...but I always go to the cenotaph in Victoria Park on Remembrance Sunday...still terrified of the flags, and yet I am sure, ...see more
I lived in Mos Bank from age approximately 2 1/2 to about 10 years old then moved on to Frederick Street - finally moving to NYC in 1961. I have very fond memories of living there with my five siblings and being close to farms once you got past the chemical works ... ICI I believe. Very fun times around the Tanhouse Train Station ... the local chippy's and the Widnes Baths ... all are sweet memories.
I was born in Widnes in 1934 and lived on Lowerhouse Lane until I married in 1965. Then went with my wife, Shelagh, to live on Elkan Road before moving to Lowton in 1967 and then to Sheffield in 1971. Memories of Widnes include dancing at Everite, playing cricket for West Bank and Peter Spence. I visit Widnes fairly regularly.