Nostalgic memories of Lye's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 6 Memories

Hello my name is Norma Cartwright, well it was when I was in my final year at Vally Road. I remember my teachers, and I am who I am today because of this school and education. I was a prefect,maybe Head Girl, I can't remember now.Keith Ray was Head Boy and we were dating.someone help me out here,so long ago. Home economics,this teacher had a little Terrier,Gym teacher? amazing,Mr and Mrs Tate Arts, oh yes it's coming ...see more
Lye, I used to live with my grandmother, Mrs Dorothy Hall, at 37 Bromley Street, Lye. I remember there being 4 shops in the Street. 3 at the top of the street consisting of Rimmers, a veg shop ( don't know the name) and a fish and chip shop, the 4th shop was down the bottom end called Beatties and also a pub. I then moved to Hill Bank until the age of 16...happy memories.
My name was Betty Knowles, my family and I also lived in Hayes Lane at number 48, and my grandfarther lived next door, his name was Wilfred Poole. I remember the ash bank over the road where we use to put jacket potatoes in the ash at night where the fires used to glow at night. What a sight we must have been when we got home. My mother married twice so another name for us is Pearson - we were a BIG family, 8 ...see more
I wonder if anyone can help me? I'm looking for a girl I grew up with - Mary Brettel was her maiden name, she lived in Stourvale Road off Hayes Lane where I lived. Mary left there in about 1958 when she was 13 or 14 years old and moved to High Park Avenue in Norton. Her father Ben and his brother Stan and his son David owned a holloware factory in Lye, BRETTLE BROTHERS, opposite the Station pub. I last saw ...see more
I too remember the Clifton Cinema and the temp. cinema, also the Salvation Army. There was 'Thornley' who sold veggies from his horse and cart, also 'Kitson' who sold bread from his horse drawn van with his brother, 'Wacaden' milk, the knife grinder who came round on his bike and coverted it into a grinder, gas lamps in the street, and where I lived at 19 Hayes Lane, gas and electric was in the house, Lye ...see more
Mr grandparents lived at 80 Dudley Road. This property was many years earlier a public house (I think it was called the Raven or the Blackbird). It was next to the railway line. To this day it has helped to give me a love of steam engines. I remember the Christmas tree was at the top end of the high street (later it was moved to the Cross). The Clifton cinema had been converted to a toy store, it was like an Aladdin's cave. ...see more