Nostalgic memories of Guildford's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 41 - 50 of 65 in total

My father was farm manager at Orange Court Farm from 1964-1967. We lived in one of the cedar wood bungalows put up in Littleton, I suspect in the early 1960s, by the More-Molyneux family for estate workers - they also owned the Guildway building firm at Artington at that time, and the bungalows were variants on their standard designs. Other estate workers lived in unrestored 17th-century cottages in Littleton which, ...see more
I was at Pilgrims Wood, Sandy Lane, Guildford, Surrey, in years from 1959-1965, with, my two siblings. I remember having to attend the church at Littleton, and I also remember having to go for walks in the woods. One day when I was older some other children and I were allowed to go on our own and we got lost and could not find the way back I often laugh at this. I really loved the ...see more
Hello, my name is Fred Clarke, I was at the orphanage called Pilgrims Wood, in Sandy Lane, in 1945/46. I remember the searchlights and the barrage balloons on the Hogs Back. We used to play in the woods, and go to the church in Littleton. I also started my first school at St Nicholas, these were happy times and I was well looked after. If you were there at this time or can relate to the era, please contact ...see more
Many years were spent going to Christmas market at Guildford. Also Slyfield auction on sunny and wet days, meeting with friends, buying things we didn't need, all part of the atmosphere. Vry special times and happy memories of Guildford.
The photo is much older than my memories but there is little changed apart from the swimming costumes. Long sunny summer days were spent here each summer holiday. The cafe sold hot Oxo and shrimp sweets: delicious.
First time I ever had a milk shake was up here after walking over the stepping stones and looking down at the large carp in the water. What a wonderful place for a child to be brought to visit.
I think that this might have been taken in May/June1953, with the flags out for the Coronation. I was a schoolboy at the Royal Grammar School at the time.
This is where my boyfriend (now husband) and I went on our first date. I was so nervous I could hardly eat a thing, I was very shy at that time. We went to the cinema after the meal to see The Yellow Rolls Royce. We married in April 1969 at All Saint's Church, Onslow Village. I worked at Thomas Wallis until it closed in 1969/70, my very good friend Christine and I worked there since we left school. My name was Linda Way.
The houses in Castle Street have been knocked down some 20 years ago. I used to live in no 18 and used to play in the castle grounds since we had no garden.
I can happily remember the roof garden cafe, it was wonderful with frothy coffee in little glass cups, and we would sit on one of the "island's" that the stepping stones in the picyure led to. I also remember my sister Sue being about 3 or 4 and her falling in the pond head-first trying to touch the fish,   Mum had to dry her out in the loo.