Nostalgic memories of Guildford's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 65 in total

Can anyone please job my memory where the old indoor Swimming Pool was? It was very small and old and crammed but I remember it being off down a narrow lane somewhere at the bottom of the High Street or was it in Castle Street? This would be circa 1960 -1965 please?
I have very fond memories of Pilgrim Wood from 1980. The children would make rope swings in the woods, pets were smuggled in on occasion. Not such a nice walk all the way up Sandy Lane, and children had to share bedrooms, but I remember mostly the fun and good humour. One of the staff had been resident as a child and recalled a time when clothes were communal, and when each child, even the 4 year old, had tasks to do, but by 1980 things were somewhat different thankfully.
My grandparents got married in this church in November 1911. Researching my family tree it is lovely to see the actual church where they got married.
This photo could not have been taken before 1959. I began my first job in July that year as part of the staff that opened the Thomas Wallis store for the first time. (Thank you for the information, we have now updated our records to circa 1960, Editor)
I lived in Agraria Road opposite Jill. My father, George, was a Police Sergeant in Guildford. In the mid 50's I attended Guildford Junior Technical College, in case anyone might remember me. I played piano for service every Tuesday and for dance classes with the girls school below; hence never learned to dance. Also played cricket with a very good school side, with Poulter and Williamson among the players ...see more
I had a Saturday job at Harveys and I was paid £1 for the day. It would have been about 1964-65. I remember working in the toy department one Christmas and loving it; so much easier than the paper round on the Sunday. Harvey's had creaking floorboards under heavy carpets and still had Pneumatic Tube Transport for sending money and receiving change in a cylindrical tube.
I also own a brick in the cathedral! Because my father was the Baptist Minister in Godalming I was fortunate enough to be invited to the consecration of the cathedral in the presence of HM The Queen in May 1961. The tower was not in place then and was added afterwards. The Bishop of Guildford was then George Reindorp, who now has a school named after him. I have often played the organ there - a fabulous ...see more
This is located at Newlands Corner. I remember the old cafe over the road.
I am fortunate to own a part of this lovely cathederal, my auntie bought me a brick when they were building it.
This is where I met my husband for the first time in 1969, two years later we married, and now have 4 children and are still very happy together.