Nostalgic memories of Hereford's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 17 of 17 in total

The man riding his bike in the foreground of the photo is my father, Albert William Smith, aged about 40. The building on the left is All Saints Church.
When you grow up in an ancient city such as Hereford and have really no other frame of reference you don't fully grasp the enormity of the depth of history that buildings such as Hereford Cathedral embodied. The Romans built this city !!! The Romans !! To European kids this 2000 year old history is everyday to them. I think you have to get away from it to be able to take it all in and my 40+ years in Canada ...see more
I don't know if they still do it but in the mid 1950's filled the entire Broad Street/High Street and surrounding streets were transformed into one gigantic bright, noisy, whirling, smelly and absolutely thrilling funfair!! Merry-go-rounds and all manner of great carny rides, loaded with screaming kids and flashing hundreds of blinking lights,wind up horse racing, coconut shies and ring tosses, roll the penny, try to ...see more
When I first returned to Hereford from Canada in 1979, after a 20 year absence, I was shocked to see the new modern designed Greyfriars Bridge crossing the river not far from the almost 2000 year old Roman Bridge. On the left bank and back behind the photographer's position was the boat house where I used to, briefly, cox my Hereford High School house's rowing 'eight' . I didn't last that long because I almost ...see more
Around 1957 I was walking around High Street, enjoying a meander from my route home to Bradbury Lines when I saw the wife of an officer from the Army Camp, Lt Richard Vincent, in great distress with some policemen outside the grocery shop...I believe it was a Sainsbury's on the near left hand side. She had left her small baby in the pram outside the shop while she went inside to shop .. in those ...see more
In about 1957-8 our history teacher at Hereford High School arranged for those that were interested to make a 'dig' in the yard besides the library ( on the left with the arches). We dug down at least 6 feet or more finding Victorian stuff and other older stuff as we went down and finally I found a Roman pot which I managed to break while getting it out of the packed earth. We had been given absolutely no instructions or ...see more
I had to pass through here every day on my way to and from Hereford High School. This photo is so familiar it isn't funny !! I lived in the army camp officer's quarter's at Bradbury Lines where my stepfather was stationed. I had to make the walk no matter what the weather..sometimes getting home completely frozen or soaked !