Nostalgic memories of Hounslow's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 81 - 90 of 125 in total

Does anyone remember the Pauline Grout Dance School in Lampton Road and have any photos etc?
I was born in School Road, just off the High Street in 1943 and lived there till 1968. I remember Inwood Park with the boating lake and the paddle boats. The paddling pool, the tennis courts and the playground. I worked for four years in Platts wallpaper & paint dept., then for United Daries before taking a job at London Heathrow. I attended Hounslow Town School then Bulstrode Boy's School. I remember the ...see more
Actually, I don't have memories myself as I was not born then but my mother in law who is 80 in January, lived in Bath Road, Hounslow in the 1940's & 50's. We are looking for photos and memories for a 'This is Your Life' book we are making for her birthday. If anyone can help that would be wonderful. She went to Alexandra School and Bulstrode School Hounslow. Many thanks.
I just wonder if anyone else who lived in Hounslow ever attended the Health Clinic in the Bath Road (next to the RC Church and mid way between Hounslow High Street and the Sutton Lane/Wellington Road North junction). I am writing my life story for my grandchildren and other future generations and I have a clear memory of attending the clinic for "light treatment". I would have been about 5 - 7 years old. ...see more
I have just been reading through some of the newer memories after not being on this site for quite a while, but a comment about Hounslow Heath reminded me of the times we went to the Heath when my dad was going through a period of being interested in making and flying model airplanes. This was not specifically in 1955 but during the 50s as a whole. I also remember one day as we drove off the Staines Road onto the ...see more
I went to Isleworth Grammar School between 1956 and 1961. At lunchtime my friends and I used to cycle to Osterley Park. We used to stop on the way at the bakers in Thornbury Road and buy "stale" cakes for a 1d each. Better than school dinners. Had completely forgotten about it until I saw 'Memory of Osterley Park'.
I see some of you remember Hounslow as it was, and the ice cream bar in Lampton Rd. I, Rita Pilbrow, lived at number 30 Lampton Rd, born 1946, with my mum and dad and two older sisters Claudette and June and my dad's mum lived next door at 32 with my auntie Frances, Uncle Frank and and cousin Kenneth who was born 1953. Does anyone remember us? Dad had a building company? I remember the milkshake bar the BELL ...see more
I remember much of a childhood in Hounslow. We moved there approximately 1955/6. Grand parents Alice & Arthur, mum Shirley, stepdad Fred, Jennifer, me, Wendy & Christopher - Billy arrived a bit later. Some happy days. (I ran away a lot so they weren't all happy)! Alexandra Infants school, my 1st or 2nd teacher Mrs Bun was lovely. At Alexandra Juniors I can remember Jean, Brenda Pettit (we sneaked off ...see more
The carol singing at Osterley flats, my friend Maureen and I. Was probabaly around 1957 plus - not 60's, does anyone else remember these flats? Pretty new I think.
My friend Maureen and I used to go carol singing at Osterley Flats. I think they were quite new then, during the 60's. I was born and brought up in Lampton Rd, Hounslow and Maureen, East Acton. Does anyone else have memories from carol singing at Osterley Flats? They were quite well off I think, as we always came home with lots of silver coins and pounds...(probably gave it to us to stop our terrible voices).