Abridge, The Village c.1960
Photo ref: A106011
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A Selection of Memories from Abridge

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Does anyone have any knowledge of Nick Partridge, I used to work with him in East London and the last I heard he wanted to join the Police.
Looking at the photo 'Main Road and 'The Malsters Arms' 1955. you can see the row of lime trees which were in the grounds of 'The Limes' where my Grandparents lived. They were Mr.& Mrs Pond. (Joseph & Jessie). I think they moved to Abridge after the first world war and lived in the council houses over the road before moving to 'The Limes' some time later. Their eldest daughter Kathleen (my mum) ...see more
I grew up in the Maltsters Arms - my mother and father, Stella and Alan Knight, bought the pub from the brewery in the late 70's and my father renovated it. My sister Joanne and I attended Ongar Comp and my brother Paul attended the village infants school. I rememebr the Silver Jubilee - there is a very funny video on You-tube. (it features my father)
I was born in Abridge in 1964, the last of 9 kids. We lived in The Mead which is no longer there. Abridge was a great place to grow up, we would play outside in the woods or over the shallows all day and only come home when we were hungry. In the summer we would walk to Grange Farm open air swimming pool and then after walk onto Loughton to the Chariot for fish and chips. Lots of the old time Abridge ...see more