Acock's Green, Clifton House c.1965
Photo ref: A136021
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Clifton House occupies the corner of Fox Hollies Road and Olton Boulevard East, and had probably been only recently completed when the photograph was taken. It remains unchanged today, but the shapely elm tree in the background has gone, presumably a victim of Dutch elm disease. However, the spindly cherry trees on the roundabout look a lot more substantial now.

An extract from West Midlands Living Memories.

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West Midlands Living Memories

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Memories of Acock's Green, Clifton House c1965

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Acock's Green, Clifton House c.1965

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I don't have a memory. All I would like to know, is what stood here before? As the boulevard has some older houses and the Fox Hollies pub would have stood opposite, so would this have been waste ground or hedges or something? Just curious you understand. Do love all these old photographs of how things used to be yesteryear! Thank you.