Acock's Green, Yardley Road c.1965
Photo ref: A136012
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More about this scene

Both Acock’s Green and Olton were once residential areas favoured by the wealthier inhabitants of Birmingham, but they became progressively industrialized as factories opened along the route of the railway. The Birmingham Mail in November 1903 reported that Acock’s Green’s genteeler residents were moving further out: ‘Like the Arab, they are folding their tents and stealing away in the direction of Knowle and Solihull, where the octopus tentacles of expanding Birmingham are as yet in the distance’.

Memories of Acock's Green, Yardley Road c1965

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Acock's Green, Yardley Road c.1965

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I was born in 1940 and lived at 27? (it might be another number) Hobmoor Croft. We lived next door to the Lewis family and the other side was the Bessie family. We lived there between 1940 and 1945 when we moved to Erdington. As I was so very young I don't have many memories of the place except that there was some sort of space at the back where they had huge tank shelters and where we kids used to play ...see more
I remember when all shopping was done by visiting independant local shops. The shops I remember going to with my mother on Yardley Road were Alldays butchers, Timms greengrocers, The Bargain Shop, Terry Lovetts Sports, The Iceberg (drinks store), The Chocolate Box, Washland and many more I can picture but cannot remember the names of. This was well before people had heard of supermarkets!