Childhood In Addlestone
A Memory of Addlestone.
I have many memories of Addlestone having lived there from 1940 to 1964. My family lived in Bourneside Road, at the far end was Coxes Lock Mill and the mill pond. We knew almost everybody that lived on Bois Hall estate. I attended St. Augustines Infant School and then St. Pauls Girls School. There were lots of factories in and around Addlestone, Weymanns, Sheermetalcraft, Airscrew, Peto Scotts, Rival Lamps, Coombelands Printing to name but a few. When the factories finished for the day there were many cylists lining up at Addlestone Station waiting for the gates to open. During the Coronation Year many local events were held. We had sports on the Green in Bourneside Road where Alec & Eric Bedser the famous cricket twins presented the prizes. There were many individual shops all up and down Station Road and High Street. Also there was the Plaza Cinema, we saw many a film there. There was Princess Mary's Village Homes in Crouch Oak Lane and this was patronised by Royalty. Corry Road lead down to Bourneside Road and the Fire Station was based here. During the 1950s the wooden bridge over the River Bourne collapsed and was replaced (I think this has been replaced again since). On the corner of Corry was a corn merchants called Drake & Mounts where they had horse and cart delivery service. Allens Radios and later Televison shop.
The Co-op was the supermarket of the day where most goods could be purchased. And if your parents were Co-op members every summer they held a fete and we had races and entertainment and with a token we were able to collect a bag of goodies. I will end here for now but should anyone be interested I am more than willing to supply more memories.
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Great memory you have, was there a Budgens on station road? Or am I confusing it with the Co-op? I went to the same schools as you. My family’s surname was Ramsey, 107 Bournside Road