Alconbury, Church Close c.1955
Photo ref: A421130
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A Selection of Memories from Alconbury

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Alconbury

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Hi What a blast from the long long ago past. I grew up with my guardians Mr & Mrs Hagger of South Farm I was there from about 1943 to 1969 My friend was Pip Chattel (who I have recently been in contact) Also trying to contact Pat (?) who lived with old Mrs draper in the end cottage down South Farm lane (next to Mr & Mrs James and Blanch and Jack Allen (This site is now Mulberry House. (so called ...see more
I used to live in Huntington, on the Oxmoor estate. We used to go to the dances held at the air base - they was really great. The American airman was based there before going to Vietnam, they done low flying over the estate and when they broke the sound barrier our windows shook. There was also testing the rockets - what a noise! Still, got used to it so never bothered us. I moved back to London but I had four ...see more
On the 1887 map of Alconbury and its surroundings, there is a reference to the area between Alconbury and Alconbury Weston on Alconbury Brook as being 'Liable to Flooding'. This would have also applied to the areas of the village green and the High Street. On the 'wireless' news you could hear of the Great North Road being flooded at Alconbury. This would have been close to the Bride's ...see more
Along with my mother Ruby, I was evacuated to Alconbury on my birthday, 23 September 1940. Unknown to me, my paternal grandparents had already moved there and were in residence in Chapel Street. My Mum and I rented Granny Baxter’s cottage off Bell Lane, where we lived until moving to Corner Farm, Buckworth, in 1942. Philip Birch ran the Post Office in his shop at the bottom of Bell Lane. ...see more