Alderley Edge, Stormy Point c.1955
Photo ref: A29021
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This viewpoint is some 600 feet above sea level, and gives magnificent views into Derbyshire – and some say, as far as Yorkshire. Cracks in the rocks near here are the entrances to old mines; most of the caverns below have been sealed, but some are still accessible for cavers. The whole area is still popular with visitors, and has been maintained by the National Trust since 1947.

Memories of Alderley Edge, Stormy Point c1955

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. These memories are of Alderley Edge, Stormy Point c.1955

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Stormy Point was a very popular destination for cavers and for those seeking the wide-ranging views over the Cheshire plain but without the crowds that came to Castle Rock, particularly on a Sunday. My vivid memory of Stormy Point comes from about the same year as the photograph, when there was giant bonfire and fireworks on Stormy Point. The crowds became very excited when they could also pick out the bonfire ...see more