Mind Reader
A Memory of Alford.
My wife and I, were to go to the Alford Carnival where upon on going through the Turn style; still clutching the change given to me on paying for our tickets, there was a man which was stood some twenty feet away from the Turn Style. He was one of the showmen, and appeared to be dressed as some fortune teller. He was stood by a small card table, where upon he had a pack of ordinary playing cards. Having seen me coming his way and on noticing me, he gestured to me to come towards him. Having got me to his table he was to ask me if he could show me a trick? Seeing that I had clenched my hand he proceeded to pull my fingers open to reveal the change within my hand. Without as much as a word, took hold of a fifty pence piece and manipulated his fingers in a way so that the coin moved along his fingers until when, he dropped the coin into a charity bucket. In one sense, I was annoyed that he extracted money from me without asking my permission to give it to any charity; but what the hell, it was only a fifty pence coin! Having deposited the coin, he smiled and then said, "by the way, that was not the trick!" He then picked up the pack of playing cards, and proceeded to fan the deck of cards showing me that there was a full deck or pack of cards within his hand. He then said to me "without pointing or telling me which you have chosen, select a card". He would then tell me which card I had picked! Impossible? How could he tell me what card I had picked? I looked at the cards spread out before me, and visually chose a card from the pack. It would be wrong of me to say that I had picked the Ace of hearts or the three of clubs or any of the cards as my memory could not go back that back in time: so for arguments sake suppose I picked ace of hearts visually without pointing or murmuring the card. He was to say to me that I had picked the Ace of hearts! And of course, he was correct - I told him so. He then asked me if I'd like to have another try, of which I then picked the Three of Clubs; without hesitating he said the three of Clubs. He was to ask me again for the third time on what card I would like to pick this time. This time I was to carefully scan the cards and I picked three of diamonds and at then at the last second I changed my mind and then chose four of spades! It was then that he said to me that I had changed my mind quickly and picked four of spades. It was then that I was sure beyond a shadow of a doubt on how he was doing his act! In fact, it was not an act at all! He was a Spiritualist Medium where I forbade him to look further into my mind. It was then that two old ladies brushed by him, they were in conversation with each other but even though they were in conversation, he was to say to one of the women ''pick a card'.' She looked down at the cards in passing and subconsciously picked a card where he told her of what card she had picked and in saying to her the Jack of hearts. She said "no I didn't", but when he said to her that she had, she was to stop in astonishment and said to him that he was right! He said now that he had her undivided attention pick another Card, and another and another, by this time she was now almost hysterical with fear of the unknown! She was to part from him exhausted. This Medium was an Englishman within Scotland for a duration of the Carnival at Alford. His name I know not, his age - 30's-40's and was a member of some Magic Circle. David Nixon, and any other Magician had to rely either upon Illusion or camera trickery. But this man in my view, was an essence of Evil but he would not see it that way. My girlfriend of many years ago, had much the same as he; She'd had this strange, shall we say gift, which was not so much of a gift, but of a curse of which landed her within a Psychiatric Hospital where often she'd be sedated. There within the Hospital waiting room were some women who were to visit the same person; they were quite old ladies and eagerly waited for their friend to come into the Lounge area. Marise, my girl, was somewhat out of being sedated and was to make conversation with one of the women, and told the lady in question that she could tell her of what sign she was born under. Marise told the lady she was a Libra, of which the woman said, ''not a bad guess''. Marise said that it was no guess, of which prompted another lady to ask of what sign of the Zodiac was she born (Capricorn). "My word, you guessed right again!" With this, Marise pointed at each woman individually and told them their star signs, where all admitted that she was correct. When their friend came into the lounge, they quickly departed. One old lady who felt at unease, gave Marise a wide birth as she made her way out of the door. If you are a person who'd like to know more on Marise, feel free to email me - but beware, tears will swell and sadness prevail.
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