Alfreton, High Street c.1955
Photo ref: A199016Z
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A Selection of Memories from Alfreton

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Alfreton

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I hope someone can help me please, as I believe my gg grandfather was the publican at the Royal Oak on King Street around the 1870's or thereabouts. Any information would be brilliant, as I'm sure someone has records/ history about King Street. It would be wonderful to fill in gaps. His name was George Ling and his wife was Isabella. Many thanks.
I have recently been researching Buxton family history, having very little knowledge of my grandad. I have discovered that his grandparents kept the former Devonshire Arms on King Street for nearly 30 years. At one time my grandad was living there with his grandparents, father, younger brothers and 13 lodgers. At that time it was 102 King Street. The Devonshire Arms now standing is 130. I would like to research ...see more
Between 1959 - 1977 I lived on King Street. My mother fondly described our house as the one behind the iron railings. We sold plants and tomatoes from the good sized garden which backed onto Painters farm. One side was the Undertakers/woodyard and the other The Railway Public House. Opposite was Taylors Corn Store and above that Speeds Car Show Room. I played with children from Devonshire Terrace in Alfreton Park.  I ...see more
I was born on Swans Row, also known as Berryford Place. I would love to go back there, I know the M1 runs through it now but the back roads are still there. I need to know how to get there now, I now live in Manchester, hope someone can help me find my birth place.