1940 1947
A Memory of Andover.
I moved to Andover in 1940 with my mum and sister, to live with my grandparents, my dad was all over the place in the RAF. My grandad owned a riding stable in Anton Road, towards the town. The side of the stable building had a huge painted sign 'Reddings Riding Stables' and I spent many happy hours there mucking out and polishing tack. I went to New Street Primary school, then when I was 11 went to the Senior School on London Road. I remember seeing the planes and gliders on the 6th June 1944, and also sadly seeing the Red Cross trains coming up from Southampton with all the wounded troops. I wasn't allowed on the Junction platform but my mum went and helped with sandwiches and cups of tea. That is a sight I shall never forget - all those loaded trains.
Then having amazingly passed my 11+ exam, I went to Andover Grammar School, the proudest moment of my young life and my parents. It was great there. I made lots of friends, and initially didn't do very well in my studies, then something clicked and I was put up a class. Does anyone remember Mr Josef Osipov? He taught maths in a very Russian way, but I seemed to understand him, so we got on fine. I don't remember many teachers except a young lady who taught French, and at least once a week we would sing the Marsellaise,as loud as we could - I think the whole school could hear! At that time, we shared the school with a school from Southanpton that had been bombed out, so we used to go from 8am to 1pm and have the afternoons off - that was a great arrangement, anybody remember that? I haven't been back for 30 years,and it was a sad day when I was sent to live in Brixton in 1947, but many happy memories of Andover.
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