Boscombe, The Pier 1931
Photo ref: 84887
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This selection of vintage photographs shows some of our finest piers in their heyday, recalling their glory days when seaside piers were at the heart of the traditional British family holiday.

A Selection of Memories from Boscombe

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Boscombe

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Oh how I remember St George's Youth Club , My Sister [ Diane ] and I lived in Haviland Road , and we sometimes went to SGYC , so many memoirs , we loved Kings Park where we spent many hours on the swings ,Slide etc , Also spent fun times in Shelly Park , We now live in different parts of the world Diane [ my Sister ] lives in Brisbane Australia and I live in the USA , I go back to visit as I ...see more
I was born in 1931. In 1944 until 1952 I lived at the Police Station in Gloucester Road where my father was a Police Inspector. As a regular member of the Youth Club, I have great memories of cycle trips into the New Forest, Friday night dances, and the memorable 'Skipper'. Another member was Bill Wrigley who with his wife Dorothy, also emigrated to Australia in 1952 and lives in Brisbane, not far away from ...see more
I have had some wonderful memories brought back to me durting the last few days. I attended St George's Youth Club for a number of years and had great fun at Christmas when we produced a pantomime in the Church Hall. I spent several summer holidays working at the Overstrand, washing up, clearing tables and eventually selling sandwiches, coffee etc. at exhorbitant prices. My brother played euphonium, trumpet ...see more
For a very enjoyable year I lived at no 14 in Florence Road, a turning halfway down to the beach and off Sea Road in Boscombe (see photo). I became one of the first persons in the country to study for a Higher National Diploma in Tourism. My college was then called Bournemouth College of Technology, situated at the Lansdowne, Bournemouth. One of my classmates was John Donaldson who went on to be the Head of Thomas ...see more