Botley, The Railway Hotel c.1960
Photo ref: B544059X
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A Selection of Memories from Botley

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Botley

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I do remember this lovely lady, her brother, and her quaint little shop. She sold flowers, fruit, veg, sweets, tobacco etc, and wonderful lemon dip sugar. My dad used her shop nearly every day on his way to or from work, and at weekends we were taken there to buy the veg /flowers for mum, sweets and lemonade etc. She was very fond of my mum, and dad and held him in great ...see more
This great pub has things happening every day - super food and fine beer. The website for the Bugle Inn is
Not really a memory but I wonder if any of you folk remember a florist shop called Josepine's in Botley, I believe it was on the Hedge End road. She was a Barfoot and a sister of my nan, I think! Any memories would be great ... a photo magnifico. I have family in Hedge End and my Grandad had a shop called HG or WG Ferris in the Bitterne area, this info is all new to me so I will be down to Botley soon and have a pint at the ...see more