Bradwell, View From Smalldale c.1960
Photo ref: B486046
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A Selection of Memories from Bradwell

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bradwell

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We Joined Bradwell Bowling Club after I couldn't walk properly owing to a bad accident in Wales a couple of years before. I thought I could manage the bowling. It was a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon when John (my late husband) and I arrived there. "The Hut" as it was called was full of people. A lot we knew, they were all very welcoming and we got paired up with experienced bowlers to be shown the "ropes". I ...see more
My Gt.Gt.Grandparents ran this Inn in Bradwell during the 1870's. Their names were John & Ann Archer. They originally came from West Yorkshire in a place called Kirkburton. John & Ann had a great many children who married into Bradwell families. John & Ann both died in 1879 wilthin a few months of each other & are buried in St.Barnabus Churchyard. There is a photo on the wall of the White Hart ...see more
My husband's ancestors John & Ann Archer were Innkeeper's of this Inn in Bradwell in the 1850's. They lived here until their deaths in 1879 & are buried in St.Barnabus Churchyard. They both originally came from Kirkburton West Yorkshire & at one time were Tollkeepers for nearby Mytham Bridge Toll Road.