Braintree, Market Place, Nag's Head 1900
Photo ref: 46244Y
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A Selection of Memories from Braintree

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Braintree

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I was a pupil at BCHS from 1958-63 and have painful memories of him, albeit possibly unfairly. During a 3rd year biology lesson our female teacher regaled us of pranks she had undertaken at Uni which included removing brass plaques off buildings. Two of us decided to help her by removing 2 small brass plaques on the main building so when lessons ended I was to be be found kneeling down ...see more
Hi there I used to work for Baughans at their manufacturing plant in Braintree and also in their shops in the area. If anybody remembers me or even worked for Baughans it would be nice to chat. I now live in Norwich.
Maureen was 10 in 1947. She was accused by Cordingley of ‘Disturbing the boys in the sixth form’ We’re you disturbed? We married in 1982. She died of Alzheimer’s on March 15 2020. I have her school badge. Brendan McNamara
I lived in 77 Challis Lane in the late forties to 1955. At age nine our family moved to Australia. My Father Frank Kirrage, worked on the Buses, then managed the Cafeteria, My Mother, Charlotte worked at the Hospital.My name is Tony Kirrage and would be great to hear from anyone who remembers us.