Kenley Road

A Memory of Brentford.

Yes I remember your wife, I used to live at number 9 Kenley Road with my mum and dad and sister Carol. My name is John Thomas. My dad was a lorry driver and worked for Wiggins and Sankeys, delivering bricks and stuff all over England until he got a job in Brentford Market. Sadly, Mum and Dad died years ago, Dad at an early age and my mum not long after. My sister lives in the West Midlands and I have been in Canada for over 33 years now. I did visit Brentford about 20 years ago and what a change, wow, I could not find Pinks the pie and mash shop, I used to love that place every Sat morning.

Added 05 April 2013


Comments & Feedback

I too loved pink's with my mother and father we got of the trolley bus at the half acre and had a saturday night treat. Dad was born in kenley road in 1900, keen follower of the Bee's as i am myself. Now living in West sussex I know have the Albion
but the Bee's are still my 1st Love.
Hi, Robert nice to hear from you, I understand the powers to be are relocating the Brentford football club, Have you any idea where to. I remember storing bicycles in my front garden in Kenley road and collecting a couple of pennies from each person for looking after them, I also washed cars and got another penny or two for that service. I made a small cart that would bring bags of coke from the gasworks and I would deliver them to people that could not get them themselves. Pie and Mash was and still is my favourite meal, I was in Brighton last year and ate as much seafood as I could get, Jellied eels, Whelks, Cockles and we found a pie and mash shop in Eastbourne, Pity I could not bring any back to Canada. I love talking about Brentford, I once when I was very small won a trip from my home to see the Lord Mayor of London, They picked me up in a nice black limo and whisked me and another school boy or girl up to London. I can't remember the name of the other person, If he or she is out there please get in touch and if you can find photo's even better. Do you know if the Bricklayers Arms at the top of Kenley Road is still there, I loved that place. John Thomas.

Hi John, Jean & Ron Pearce here we lived in No8. Searching through photos came across a photo of you and Carol with your mum in the back ground outside the Bricklayers Arms, I could send it to if you like. Jean and myself will be celebrating our 60th wedding anniversary in September we don't know where the time goes. John please send your e-mail address and send a copy, On Pearce
Ron, will get me, all small letters
Hi, I am trying to trace my family and where they lived. The Goater family lived at number 10 in 1900. I can't find Kenley Road on the map. Has it been renamed or demolished? Thanks
My Grandfather lived at No 4 Kenley Road in the early 1900s. He was born there in 1906.
Hi, have you found any information? It is definitely on the map and the hiuses are still there.
So recently I was looking into my Grandfather's Military Record and I was able to see his Dad's my Great Great Grandfather's Military Records.
Upon looking at these I noticed that they lived in Number 4 Kenley Road Brentford, surname is Hammerton

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