Brigg, Wrawby Street c.1950
Photo ref: B294003
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A Selection of Memories from Brigg

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I went to Brigg Grammar from 1947 until 1951. I then worked at Peacock & Binningtons until I emigrated to Canada in 1956. I have fond memories of Brigg, often fishing in the Ancholme, cycling to Cleethorpes and looking for sticklebacks and frogspawn in swales. Paul Brighton
Hi, I was at glanford, Started 61 , Still makes me sit up wen i here the name frank woodcock, Was into boxing with my best mate tomo who lost his life wen he was 14 , God bless him, colin from wrawby
I wonder if anyone has contact with others of this time. Jean Mumby, Dot Pinder. we were all cricket fans of Denis Compton, Bill Edrich etc. love to hear from anyone still alive. regards Joan nee Shearsmith
Who remembers Frank Woodcock at Glanford School,he could keep things in order with his strong arm tactics,I left school in 1961 anyone remembers me,?.