Brighstone, Old Cottages c.1955
Photo ref: B543013
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A Selection of Memories from Brighstone

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Brighstone

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Does anyone have any memories to share about my Great Auntie Margaret Ainley MBE who was head mistress at the school, she was headmistress for many years and I would love to know if the school house where she lived with my great grandparents is still in the village. She is buried in the local cemetery near to the village school. Thank you
I remember walking past here every day to school from 1950 to 1956 and then I went to Freshwater secondary modern school and still walked by it to catch the bus until I left the village in 1959. I remember the path on the left had a stile and footpath that came out by the pub, where that path joins New Road opposite was the mill stream with a wooden bridge and we used to play pooh sticks along the river bank and try to ...see more
I walked past these houses every day to and from school from 1956 to 1959 when my family lived at Marsh Green.
Our house is the second left and I was about 8 when this was taken. The field in front of the houses is now the site of the Methodist Chapel.