Broadstairs, The Promenade c.1950
Photo ref: B220006
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A Selection of Memories from Broadstairs

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Broadstairs

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I was at Fairfield house about 1963 i was five I remember mrs fisher.and I remember.that in the summer we used to have an afternoon sleep in the garden.I had such a wonderful time there .I remember we used to go to the beach and eat our lunch there sandwiches.and in the mornings school time .I would love to have a picture or photo of Fairfield house been looking on line and can’t find one .I remember the bedside ...see more
I. am pretty sure this is the same place I was sent to with Chronic Asthma, when I was two until I was Six years old. It was called St.Marys and was run by an order of nuns. I remember having to have daily sun ray treatments daily, and were in dormatories. There was a massive big room where we had to lay on very thin type flat mattresses from 1.00 pm till 2pm for our afternoon naps. ...see more
Jack Daly and, Jock Sommerville, taught me to play badminton on a Saturday morning at St. Lo, and later on in an evening, I joined Phoenix Badminton club at St. Lo.
Miss Brook head,miss coyne deputy Both down the lodge,behind lodge was field kept ponies & donkeys. Trampoline was great! Fete of stalls & crazy wobble bikes, basement was a disco, old piano too. Smoking in shrubbery behind shed by incinerator, jumping back wall to town & my number was (32 ). 1973》76. Teresa D.