Bromyard, c.1960
Photo ref: B229112
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A Selection of Memories from Bromyard

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bromyard

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When I first moved to Worcestershire - or Hereford & Worcestershire as it was then - I had a temporary post under the Job Creation Scheme. We were working for Malvern Council, doing such delightful work as glass fibre insulation of lofts & cleaning out gutters. Being young & keen we would often run out of our scheduled work by midweek. We would then get a cash 'sub' from the manager, take our van, ...see more
I was in Frome Bank from the age of about 4yrs till 12yrs from 1957 to about 1965 and would like to hear from any one who was there at this time
while researching family tree information, I discovered that my great great grandma was born in the property know as three mills. Sarah Benbow was born in 1818 or thereabouts, the daughter of a miller. I would love to get more information about her or the property.anything would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Dawn Davis Victoria Australia
My family spent a very happy holiday as guests of the Barnaby famly who owned the castle. About 6 years old, I recall being transported from the station in a Trojan estate car - a most innovative design at the time with its unique diesel engine. Mr Barnaby, a botanist who wrote on Alpine flora, also owned a wonderful long-nosed Allard sports car with a dickie seat formed by opening the boot in which I rode in ...see more