Buck's Mills, The Beach c.1960
Photo ref: B240019
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A Selection of Memories from Buck's Mills

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Buck's Mills

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I have an old, and I assume original, Frith postcard with the above photo on it and these words: "This is your father's early home. It once belonged to your grandfather. He sold it when he went to .....(illegible) Thought you would like to see it. I was born there. With love from J.B." There is no name, address, or postmark, so it must have been enclosed with a letter. Where the postage would go, it says, ...see more
I would love to know what happened to two friends , Fran and Sara Sutton, both R.A. artists who moved to Bucks Mills and converted the chapel into a studio during the 1960s; I stayed with them in the summer of 1974 but after some years lost touch and recently viewed the empty and deserted chapel with great sadness remembering those happy times so full of promise and hope. Fran was a very accomplished artist ...see more
I have read with fond memories the recollections of others on their holidays at Bucks Mills and thought I would share mine. My family and I came down from Nottinghamshire for many years in the mid 50's to early 60's. The family name was Gordon, my father was Leslie, a GP, my mother Jean a vetinary surgeon together with myself, Alasdair, and my older sister Janet and ...see more
The earliest photo of me on Bucks Mills beach is in a pushchair from about 1951 -52! We were visiting for the day from my grandparents home in Bradworthy. In 1959 my grandparents, John and Gladys Dunn moved to Trundle Cottage (now Leat Cottage). For the next 9 years most of my Easter and summer holidays were spent there. I remember our very first holiday was at Easter 1960. We travelled by train (steam!) ...see more