Nostalgic memories of Camberley's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 21 - 30 of 37 in total

Does anyone remember Colin Maddoox who worked for a pipeline company named Turriff construction and drove a red E Type Jaguar? I would love to get in touch again, Miriam Lawrence.
My mother, Betty Eilleen Staniford (later Cranham), worked at Deborah's bake shop and cafe on Frimley Road in Camberley.  I am working on a family tree and I am unable to find out anything about this bake shop.  Does anyone have any connections or know anything about this place? I have a letter that shows the address as being 142 Frimley Road.  It would have been in the late 1940s that Mum worked there as a young woman. ...see more
To Andre Goddard. I read with interest your literary piece about Camberley. I also share many of the memories that you evoked. I lived in Obelisk Street for a year or so with my grandfather before moving to Crabtree Road. I was at the grammar school for six years before moving on and away. I have maintained contact with childhood and adolescent friends but my visits to Camberley are filled with sadness at the ...see more
Lived at Pinehurst in Park Road /Park Street from about late 1953-1956. Went to France Hill House School. Did massive paper round from a little paper shop on the Portsmouth Road which went right into Sandhurst and was no fun in the rain when 'old codgers' rang in to say thier papers were wet. But Sandhurst was great fun with its lakes and open spaces, cycling through the woods (no mountain bikes in those days) on ...see more
Yes, whoever you are - I have memories of this road, having lived in it in the 60's, my in-laws living there in the 50's and delivering papers there in the 40's. What do you want to know ?
Does anyone have any memories, historical pictures or information regarding the area of Camberley known as Kings Ride and College Ride?
My grandparents ran the Chocolate Box in Frimley Road, Camberley (now Camberley Kitchen Studios) and I spent my early life there after my parents' marriage broke down. I remember going to nursery school along a tree-lined street somewhere near Watchetts rec, probably in 1962/3. We were made to have a nap before going home each day and I recall low beds with grey ...see more
This was a right pain, going from Barossa County Secondary School along to the TV mast, sorry, monster thing, and getting lost (conveniently) to be late to avoid the cold showers,. We used to have some good bonfire nights behind the flats but that was allowed then, all the estate would turn out to get rid of rubbish on the big fires, we had great fun. Over the years I spent in the old town I saw many changes ...see more
Whilst in the Army I was on the permanent staff of the College in the Seventies. Had a great time in Camberley with my family.
Hi Brenda Thanks for the reply. You Mac's workers are all just one big family, so to speak. Since I started the site in March this year, I'm amazed as to how many of you seem to know each other. Oddly enough I'm having talks with Ray Sandys and I'm hoping to meet him and Mr Charlie Caisey in the near furture. Ray's playing with boats in Norfolk now. Can I ask two things of you. 1. Can you be more percise as to who ...see more