Growing Up In Castleton

A Memory of Castleton.

I was born in 1947 at Birch Haill Hospital and lived in Castleton, first on Manchester Road and later Alder Road until I got married at St. Gabriel's Church.
My maiden name was Jackson. I attended Castleton Council School before Rochdale Technical School, and attended St. Martin's Church where I was a member of the Church Girls Brigade and St. Martin's Amateur Dramatic Society. I appeared in many pantomimes and have very fond memories of my childhood in Castleton. My family attended the socials where we learnt to dance with the help of Mrs Gamble's dancing classes for tap, ballet and modern dancing. we have had many reunions from Castleton County Primary School. I learnt to swim at Castleton baths. I also spent many hours at Castleton Library. Does anyone remember going swimming at the Riviera outdoor pool in Norden? We must have had better summers in the "olden days" because we used to take a picnic and stay all day!! The black pea man used to come on a Thursday tea time on his motor cycle so that was our tea with a muffin from Polly Hilton's.

Added 19 December 2011


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