Catford, Bromley Lane c.1960
Photo ref: C520004
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A Selection of Memories from Catford

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Catford

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With my friends I joined the Life Boys. How big we thought we were (age 10) wearing a Sailors hat with a dark jersey, Lanyard and Brass badge. We graduated to the Boys Brigade which was more constructive and instilled some leadership qualities. Once a month we had Church Parade, marching around nearby streets, with Bugles playing, Kettle Drums and Banners fluttering. (1949-1954).
Hello, I remember going to Sunday school in this church as well as Girl Brigade, this will have been in the 1970’s. We always looked so smart in the uniform. Trying to track down any photos from this time or anyone who may have been there at the same time. If you have any memories of The church, Girls Brigade or Rathern school it would great to hear from you. seems like so long again and yet only yesterday. Happy New Year Regards,
I lived in Catford 1962-1973. I remember the shops on the one way system. Does anyone remember the stationers/ new agents /confectioners that was on Sangley Road. I have been researching my husbands family and discover that the Clements brothers owned that shop. I would like to hear from anyone if they have stories or information about them. Thank you .
I lived at Sangley Road from 1939 until I married and moved away in 1968, Having spent the war years in Catford I still have vivid memories of my childhood with my brothers and sisters. I spent my early school years at Plassy Road school (later called Rushey Green school) then after my 11+ I went to Hither Green school from 1939 until Christmas 1953. I remember very well when the Saturday pictures (ABC Minors) ...see more