Chaddesley Corbett, General View c.1965
Photo ref: C328024
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A Selection of Memories from Chaddesley Corbett

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Chaddesley Corbett

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After nine months diligent effort I have completed my Memoir "Fortunë Favours the Bold" Ronald George Westwood 1932 - 2011. It contains a good deal of information about the history of Cedeslai / Chaddesley Corbett and the legend assoiated with the Lady Ediva. With the assistance of Mrs Ruth Flowerdew of the Chaddesley Corbett Historical Soceity and later from the Midlands Historical Society when I visited ...see more
Being born and raised in Kidderminster leaves me with a lot of good memories. I moved to the USA in 1958. My Dad worked on the canal before the war and indeed during the war. As a kid I spent a lot of my time walking and playing up and down that canal. We would sometimes ask a passing barge for a ride and they would steer close to the bank and allow us to jump on board. On one or two occasions I ...see more
I lived in Chaddesley from about 1955 to 1967 when I left and went to America. I went to the village school and the Grange School in Stourbridge. Some of the names I remember from that time are: Jeff Stone, Dave Gold, Lawrence Rose, Rosemary Purchase and John George. If you lived there at that time, it would be great to hear what happened over the years.
Does anyone remember or have links with the Crowther family who lived in Chaddesley Corbett 1900-1910? This is relevent to me as Lewis was my father. Phillip my grandfather, who I never knew, worked in the big house as a coachman I believe and I want to see if there are any reletives still surviving who may be related to me. My email address is Any photos or anything would be gratefully received. Many thanks.