Chemo Woods

A Memory of Chelmsley Wood.

We moved from Aston, (Lichfield Road) to Tile cross, in 1948. Talk about a breath of fresh air??

We soon discovered Chelmsley woods, it was a grand trek, down Bell lane, past the smithy on the right and down to "Ye Olde Bell" .

Acoss the fields at the back of the bell, past the bomb crater, and on to the woods.

Absolutely wonderful, original primeval forest with Oak trees, Silver birch etc. truly wonderful, I can never forget it!! We had some wonderful days there as boys.

But alas, it had to be cut down to make way for a huge housing estate. I think that was a crying shame, I think, that if the same cirumstances came up, in light of the envirionmental considerations of today, they wouldnt be allowed to cut it dowm.

I now live in, Australia, and have done so for almost 40 years, but I will never forget the halcyon days of my youth when Chelmsley wood, and the beautiful countryside around, were our playground.


Added 10 November 2007


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