Elm Park Gardens 1948 To 1954

A Memory of Chelsea.

I remember Elm Park Gardens so very well! The big gardens, right along the back of the houses, all joined up as one - no fences Just places for us kids to play - either there or in the street. I was there for only about five and a half years - from aged 1 until 6 but memories from the place are still very vivid.
I remember being woken up in the middle of the night with an odd noise and a flash of light. I yelled out that there was a man outside the window with a knife!! Mum & Dad told me not to be so silly as we were on the top floor - no. 22 Elm Park Gardens - and told me off for shouting and waking everyone in the house.
Next day we learned that men had gone all along our side of the road, on the roofs, stealing the lead flashings and some slates......... So I had seen a man at the window and his knife was what had caused the flash of light!!!!
After that we got moved to a beautiful brand new, modern flat on Cremorne Estate where I grew up and lived until I was 17....... Veronica Cronin (nee Kennedy)

Added 14 May 2015


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