Cheltenham, Promenade 1923
Photo ref: 73475X
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A Selection of Memories from Cheltenham

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Cheltenham

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Have very fond memories of attending St Paul's between 1975-78. Lovely old building-with corridor names like Pepper Row and Long Gallery. Had men's accommodation up until 1978 with ladies were given the top floor-a revelation at the time.Great times.
This photo is actually Lansdown Road, the hotel on the right, The Lansdown is still active but as a gastro pub with a lovely garden to sit and drink in. Lansdown Place follows on from the hotel on the right and is a lovely row of Regency town houses, most converted into flats by the 1970's and much renovation in the 1980's/90's. On the right is Westal Green, now a Petrol Station. If you go to the left of the ...see more
We were transferred to England in 1953. My father who was in the Air Force at the time hadrented a house on ( I think lansdown circle ) did remember the name ," bleak house " and it was too. Loli was in ins pinafore. Cannot remember who my form teacher was. But do remember miss promos coming onto give us religious instruction. Does any one remember a Pat Winters she.would ...see more
I lived in Brockworth and rode bus into Cheltenham each day to attend Pates, Very happy memories. Now living in Brunswick Maine,USA . Olma Crompton (Sullivan )